5 Jul 2020, 10:45am–11:30am PDT
Free Methodist Church of Santa Barbara, 1435 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Map
As our church family slowly and safely moves toward re-gathering, we will be introducing an on-campus time of prayer, praises, and contemplation beginning Sunday, June 21st, at 10:45 AM. This will be in addition to our pre-recorded YouTube Sunday Worship Service.
This will take place in the Upper Parking Lot (closest to Cliff Drive). Per current state guidelines, we will require everyone to be screened as they enter, to be wearing a face mask, and to be socially distant from others. Families, of course, will be allowed to sit together.
This time will be limited to a capacity of 100 people and we will be having people RSVP to let us know they will be there. We encourage you to come early, though we will do our part to make screening go quickly!
We are excited to offer a space where we may gather to seek God together. Please know this is designed to be prayer—we will not be singing, nor will there be a sermon offered. However, for those who are not yet ready for this venue, there will be “On the Deck” via Zoom at 10:00 AM, and our “Praises and Prayer Requests” with pastors, also on Zoom, at 10:45.
We know the church is alive and Christ has been meeting us richly in these last few months. We trust He will continue as we gather in smaller groups in His name. Look for emails, videos, and social media posts in the near future.
Peace of Christ,
FMC Local Board of Administration and Pastoral Staff